Office Notebooks
The books below have been specifically created for office use (our office), but we hope you will find them useful too!
A-Z Indexed Notebook
A to Z Alphabetically Indexed, College Ruled
This A-Z indexed notebook has clearly tabbed pages to make it easy to find what you're looking for, and comes with an additional three sections you can colour code to add your own non-alphabetical categories.
Each letter or category has 4 pages giving you ample room for your notes.
Two sizes to choose from, a handy 6" x 9" or bigger A4 format.
TO DO Notebook
Plan your tasks for each day using the 1-3-5 system to improve your efficiency and reduce your stress.
Probably one of the most effective ways to manage your time well is to have a list of tasks to achieve.
Each page of this book represents a list of tasks to achieve using the 1-3-5 system.
No one can perform an unending number of things every day, instead, we accept that we will aim to achieve one big task, maybe one that takes a few hours, while the rest of the day we will be content with completing some smaller tasks, and several itty bitty tasks.
If you concentrate on the jobs on the list and give the one big job your primary focus, you will be amazed how much more you can achieve in a day.
Try it, we think you'll like it.